No need to be confused, there are many foods that contain iron

Eating foods that contain iron is very important to maintain a healthy body. Apart from being one of the important nutrients in the body, iron is also needed in the process of delivering nerve signals, and to bind oxygen in red blood cells. People who lack iron intake are at risk of anemia. This condition is often experienced by women, especially pregnant women. Therefore, start getting used to eating foods that contain iron.

Various Types of Foods Containing Iron

In general there are two types of iron from food, namely heme and nonheme. Heme iron comes from animal hemoglobin, while nonheme iron comes from plants. Here are some types of food that you can consume to meet your daily iron needs:

1. Heart

Beef liver and chicken liver including foods that contain high iron. One beef liver weighing 85 grams contains iron by 5 mg. Whereas 100 grams of chicken liver contains 10 mg of iron. Nevertheless, it is still wise in consuming it, because the liver contains high cholesterol. Pregnant women must also be careful in consuming liver, because if consumed in excess, there is a risk of causing excess vitamin A which is harmful to the fetus.

2. Red meat

Beef is a food that contains the highest iron compared to other types of red meat. In 100 grams of beef, contained 3.5 mg of iron. Other types of meat that also contain high levels of iron are lamb or lamb.

3. Spinach

Spinach is a vegetable that is known to be rich in iron. Before consuming it, you are advised to cook it first so that the iron in spinach is more easily absorbed by the body. One cup of cooked spinach contains 6 mg of iron, as well as various other nutrients, such as protein, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, and fiber.

4. Soybeans

The nutritional content of soybeans is not only iron. Soybeans also contain manganese which supports the body's chemical processes, as well as copper which maintains the immune system and blood vessels. Soybeans can be consumed as a snack or processed into side dishes.

5. Oysters

One oyster contains 3-5 mg of iron. That means, a plate of oysters is enough to meet the needs of iron in a day. Oysters are easy to get and how to process them is also simple. By eating oysters, you not only get iron, but also zinc and vitamin B12. Besides oysters, salmon and tuna also contain high iron. There are a variety of food choices that contain iron, so it's actually not difficult to meet this intake. But for pregnant women, you should first consult with your obstetrician about the portion and type of food that is safe for consumption to get iron. If you feel tired, pale, or faint frequently, see your doctor immediately. These complaints can indicate that you have anemia due to iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia). The doctor will find out the cause and provide appropriate treatment.


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